The History of MQM

The History of the Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conferences

MQM 2022 follows a long and distinguished tradition of conferences dedicated to honoring the achievements of leading scientists in the field and highlighting the superb science of the international quantum chemistry community.

Athens, Georgia, 1989

In Honor of John Pople (1998 Nobel Prize)

Cambridge, England, 1995

In Memory of Samuel Francis Boys and in Honor of Isaiah Shavitt

Seattle, Washington, 2001

In Honor of Ernest R. Davidson

Cambridge, England, 2004

In Honor of Nicholas C. Handy

Budapest, Hungary, 2007

In Honor of Peter Pulay

Berkeley, California, 2010

In Honor of Henry F. Schaefer, III

Lugano, Switzerland, 2013

In Honor of Rodney J. Bartlett

Uppsala, Sweden, 2016

In Memory of Jan Almlöf, Inga Fischer-Hjalmars, Per-Olov Löwdin, and Björn Roos, and in Honor of Per Siegbahn

Heidelberg, Germany, 2019

In Memory of Reinhart Ahlrichs and In Honor of Werner Kutzelnigg, Wilfried Meyer, and Sigrid Peyerimhoff